Matty fell asleep in the stroller while we were on our afternoon walk. Daddy laid him on the guest bed in the living room to finish his nap. Of course, Anna had to join her brother for a little rest time. They are so cute together!
Our blessed day was spent relaxing at the park and enjoying the beautiful breezy weather. After the park, we went to our favorite frozen yogurt shop! Yum!!! This was Josie's first little outing (other than going to the doctor's office).
Matty has been going through his "terrible twos" lately. Granted, he will be turning five in July but we're working on a different timeline. One of the wonderful things about raising a child with special needs is that you finding yourself celebrating the milestones that might not seem as worthy of celebration for a typically developing child.....such as the terrible twos. We are thankful that Matty is continuing to grow and develop his independence even if it means we have to put up with a little attitude!
This year Patrick got something very special for his birthday! I guess this gets me off the hook of shopping for the hardest person on earth to buy for ;-) Have a wonderful day, my love!
Our new sweet little precious addition, Josie Faith. She was born on Easter Sunday, 4/24/11 at 9:33pm, weighing 7lbs8oz. Josie is such a delight! She is growing like a weed and has already gained half a pound. She is a very content baby and a bit serious like her Momma. We are all in love with her!!!